
Life without internet !

I cant imagine my life without internet , email or even without google for that matter.

Anything I want to know about .. .hmm.. closest chinese restaurant to my home, hmm.. whats the cost of a refrigerator.. where can I buy the cheapest TV.. What is the true meaning of Psyche ? Whats the scoop on Tom Cruise these days ? How good is the new Harry Potter movie.. ? Well .. Think of all the businesses that wouldnt be running. Can you imagine a world without online shopping, without online news, gosh.. I cant think there is way too much to put.

If writing letters was the only way to keep in touch with people who live geographically far from me, I dont think I would have kept in touch with more than 2 or may be 3 of my good friends. Not that I dont want to.. but its just too much to think, write, post, wait for a reply etc. etc. Thanks to the inventors of web email. Keeping in touch has become so much easier !! Inspite of this, I still do have many pending replies to send, ..and many excuses I make.. Wonder how our parents managed to keep in touch with their friends from high-school !!

How did people live before the internet ?! How our lives would have been without it now !! I think its the greatest invention ever made in the recent years ! I really cannot imagine having to live without it !! Can you ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why is your blog frozen in time ? :)
